Not going to post a long one tonight, but I wanted to quickly share a couple of my beany eats lately!
A few days ago I used up some leftover veggies and beans to make a chilli. Chilli is such an easy to make meal that can be made in bulk and what's more the leftovers taste even better! I've even been eating the leftovers cold because its been too hot for hot food, serving it up with some greens and mashed avocado.
Tonight everyone had BBQ and I was totally unprepared. I usually love having veggie skewers, halloumi etc but didn't have anything suitable to hand. Instead, James totally knocked me out with a beanburger which took well under 15 mins from start to finish. He drained a tin of mixed beans in tomato sauce (rinsing out the sauce), partially mashed them and gradually incorporating enough oats (ground and whole) to a doughy consistency. They were also seasoned with chili powder and mixed spice - strange but definitely worked! He coated them in wholemeal gluten free flour and fried 1 in a little olive oil for about 4-5 mins each side. The 2nd will be my lunch tomorrow! He can definitely cook for me again :-D

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